DSK Legal Advised Eternis Fine Chemicals In Acquisition Of Sharon Personal Care

Deal Makers

DSK Legal assisted and advised Eternis Fine Chemicals Limited and Eternis Fine Chemicals UK Ltd in relation to acquisition of 100% shareholding of Sharon Personal Care (Sharon PC) having manufacturing capabilities and innovation labs in Italy and Israel, distribution sites in US, Italy, Germany, and France as well as a global distribution network, from Tene Capital Fund and Burstein Family. The Transaction entailed various complexities and spread across multiple jurisdictions including Israel, Italy, United Kingdom, India and the United States.

The Transaction involved advisors from multiple jurisdictions, across the globe. The advisors representing Eternis on the Transaction involved Rothschild & Co (as the financial advisor), Mayer Brown (London), Goldfarb Gross Seligman (Israel) and PedersoliGattai (Italy) (as the foreign legal advisors and for conducting legal due diligence on Sharon PC and its subsidiaries) and Ernst & Young (as the financial & tax due diligence advisor). The sellers, Tene Capital Fund and Burstein Family were represented by Jefferies LLC (as the financial advisor), Erdinast, Ben Nathan, Toledano & Co. (as the legal advisor) and KPMG (as the tax advisor).

The transaction team at DSK Legal representing Eternis comprised of Partners Aparajit Bhattacharya, Harvinder Singh, Associate Partner Shruti Dogra and Senior Associate Manhar Gulani.

The competition team included Partner Abhishek Singh Baghel, Associates Shivam Sharma and Ishan Handa.

Partner Aparajit Bhattacharya acted as the relationship partner and the lead engagement partner for Eternis on the Transaction.

Source: DSK Legal’s LinkedIn Page


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