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Lakshikumaran & Sridharan Acts For IndiaMART In Secondary Acquisition Of Mobisy Tech

Lakshikumaran & Sridharan Acts For IndiaMART In Secondary Acquisition Of Mobisy Tech

Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan (LKS) acted as legal counsel for IndiaMART InterMESH Limited (“IndiaMART”), India’s largest B2B marketplace, in the secondary acquisition of securities of Mobisy Technologies Private Limited (“Mobisy”). LKS acted as the legal counsel and advisor for IndiaMART on the transaction. The role involved advising on the transaction structure and negotiation and finalization of the transaction documents.

The core LKS team included Partner Kunal ‘RC’ Arora, Associate Partner Anupam Misra, Senior Associate Mitushi Garg, and Associate Jeevesh Jain.

Source: Lakshikumaran & Sridharan’s LinkedIn Page


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